Любовь Божья



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It Wouldn't Have Mattered

Jesus lived a remarkable life. He was born of a virgin. He lived a perfect life. He loved and healed others. He suffered greatly on the cross. But as Paul challenges us, if Christ is not risen, then our faith is foolish, our sins have not been forgiven, and we are to be pitied above all men. So though Christ's life may have been remarkable, if he is still dead, then His life up to and through the cross is meaningless. However, we know that three days later, there was an empty tomb and death had been defeated. Thus, the resurrection is the turning point and the lens in which we view Christ's life and God's promises.

Источник: http://www.ignitermedia.com
Категория: Видео | Добавил: love (11.06.2013) W
Просмотров: 506 | Теги: Motion Loops, Multi-Screen Backgrounds, After Effect Files, Mini Movies, Background Stills, Photoshop Files | Рейтинг: 0.0/0
система комментирования CACKLE


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