Kids have many influences in their lives that often steer them off course from Christ. Many of their responses in life's situations will feel natural to them yet will leave them empty and alone. Dads, though, have a unique opportunity to model Christ's example to their children even when no one else will.
Being a parent is a unique experience, and a hard one. This Father's Day, let your Dad know how much you appreciate all of his hard work and sacrifice.
Every July 4th we celebrate our freedom with picnics, fireworks and all things red, white and blue. This Independence Day, take a step back and reflect on what freedom really means to you.
Scripture is clear that the lives of believers should be characterized by joy, contentment, and gratitude. Though we do encounter difficult trials and situations consistently, we must be disciplined to thank God and know that He will sustain us.
The Christmas season is filled with gifts, decorations, songs, family, and traditions, but what is the true meaning of Christmas? Darrell doesn't like the answers he gets at a local college campus.
Though thousands of years have passed, the message still remains the same: come. Come and behold Christ Jesus. Come and experience His grace. Come and adore Him.