Lately it seems as though we're getting a little confused about what church really is. It's not a building or a block of time. WE are the church and it's important that we get that right.
We all know how important it is to talk to others about Christ. But we shouldn't forget about the impact of how we live our lives as well. Just think, you may never meet the person whose life you helped change.
Dads play such an important role in raising kids. Many of us have special memories of things that our fathers did for us growing up. However, no matter how much dads do for their kids, there are some things that they cant do for them.
Text adapted from "What Dads Cant Do" by Douglas Wood (Copyright 2000)
Produced by permission of Simon & Schuster Books for Young Readers, an Imprint of Simon & Schuster Children's Publishing Division
There are so many ways fathers demonstrate their love for us. Johnny and Chachi have created this special song for Father's Day to celebrate those dads.
Often, Dads have a powerful impact on our lives. From working hard to provide for us to just being there, our fathers play an important role. It's time we let Dad know we appreciate all the things he has done for us.
From sports to tea parties to flying kites, kids love spending quality time with their dads. In a time when schedules are king and we let ourselves get too busy, it's important for us to remember that, for kids, things are just better with dads.
Kids have many influences in their lives that often steer them off course from Christ. Many of their responses in life's situations will feel natural to them yet will leave them empty and alone. Dads, though, have a unique opportunity to model Christ's example to their children even when no one else will.
Being a parent is a unique experience, and a hard one. This Father's Day, let your Dad know how much you appreciate all of his hard work and sacrifice.